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Puntuació mitjana 198 Ressenyes
Jean-Phi Z ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very fast and professional. Reasonable prices (Original) Très rapide et pro. Tarifs raisonnables

fa 7 mesos
Marcia ha valorat a Google

fa 8 mesos
Nelly Kitty ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Simple Japanese cuisine (maki, sushi, skewers, etc.) but very tasty and well done. Pleasant and fast service. (Original) Cuisine japonaise simple (maki, sushi, brochettes etc) mais très goûteuse et bien faite. Service agréable et rapide.

fa 8 mesos
Loucinee F ha valorat a Google

fa 8 mesos
Yannick Carer ha valorat a Google

fa 8 mesos
Emmanuel Hess ha valorat a Google

fa 8 mesos
Mazen Alloujami ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) The food is good there (Original) On y mange bien

fa 8 mesos
Galmier FORISSIER ha valorat a Google

fa 8 mesos
Francis Loup ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) It's good, it's not expensive, good welcome, excellent service, lots of choice. There's even a happy hour with a cocktail or beer + small tapas-style Japanese dishes and... fries! (Original) C'est bon, c'est pas cher, bon accueil, excellent service, beaucoup de choix. Il y même une happy hour avec cocktail ou bière + des petits plats japonais façon tapas et... des frites !

fa 8 mesos
Karen Haber ha valorat a Google

Nice cosy place, with simple and good Japanese food

fa 9 mesos

Jioko© 2024
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9 Rue de l'Isly
75008 Paris, France

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